How We Got Here

Four years in the making... 

Yes, four frickin years we've been planning this. And by planning, it's basically been the two of us talking ourselves into it for two years then trying to follow through with our plans the following two years while at the same time talking ourselves out of the previous two years. I know, what's wrong with us?! (nothing, we're completely normal).

Why? We needed to. We were too comfortable - too comfortable with the daily grind, the commute to work, the 9 to 5, gaining weight, getting old. Life was good, but we were lost in it and didn't appreciate it. We needed to find out who we were outside of this bubble.

In the final two years before we made this big leap, we decided it was necessary to take our first smaller leap... to move away from New Zealand. A big deal for us moving out of our comfort zone. We're homebodies by heart and our roots are in New Zealand. To move away to Australia of all places (no offense Aussie followers... but you know how the rival is), it was difficult. But had we not made the leap when we did, we would probably never have left.

We were loving suburban beach life too much! It's so easy to love...
Beach Life
Last Day in Papamoa
Our move to Australia pushed us to continue working forward on our plan. And that we did... with some hiccups along the way e.g. Aussie life was treating us well; we were starting to find a new comfort zone etc.

Aussie Life

But we moved forward, became financially readyish, bought our tickets one random Saturday and didn't look back.

Now onto the planning...

Next: Visas




Mental State



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